Collect 5000 points and lose 5% of your starting weight
Fit City Tyler has added a new program by including the annual It's Time TEXAS Community Challenge (ITTCC) as a part of the 2020 Lighten Up East Texas regional weight loss challenge (LUET)!
After you signup to enter LUET, you will also need to create a free online account at ITTCommunityChallenge.com (either on your phone or on your computer) and collect at least 5000 points by doing multiple activities that will demonstrate your ability to live healthy. ITTCC starts on Monday, January 6th & will run through Sunday, March 1st.
Below are the list of achievable activities:
Submit your fitness activities twice a day with our Activity Tracker or connect your Map My Fitness/Fit Ranking Activity Tracker and get credit for up to two logged workouts per day (50 points per bout of activity/workout)
Track Your Weight with the Weekly Weight Tracker (100 points once per week)
Watch the Living Healthier Video Lesson (200 points)
Upload a Healthy Selfie: Exercise & Fitness Photo 2x/day (50 points per upload)
Healthy Group Activity - Grab another person and do something healthy! (500 Points per upload)
All entrants who collect at least 5000 points in the It's Time TEXAS Community Challenge will have their LUET entries doubled for our Grand Prize drawings in May 2020.
For example, if a person loses between 5% - 9.9% of their weight, they would already receive 1 ticket into the LUET Grand Prize Drawings, but if they also collect 5000+ points in the ITTCC, then they would receive 2 tickets.
If a person loses between 10% - 14.9% of their weight, they would already receive 2 tickets into the LUET Grand Prize Drawings, but if they also collect 5000+ points in the ITTCC, then they would receive 4 tickets.
It is very easy for a participant to collect more than 5000 points within the ITTCC.
LUET entrants do not have to sign up for ITTCC but it may increase your odds to become a LUET Grand Prize winner. In addition, the ITTCC has a School Competition, so that your child(ren) and your school campus could win a $1,500 mini-grant to support campus health activities.
The name on your ITTCC account MUST match the name listed on your LUET Registration Forms, in order for their LUET prize entries to become doubled.
After you have collected at least 5000 points, take a screenshot of your ITTCC profile before March 1, 2020, and directly email that screenshot to "LightenUpEastTexas@gmail.com".