What is Fit City Tyler?
Our Mission: To make Tyler a Fit City one step,
one bite and one health-conscious decision at a time.
Get Involved
We are always looking for fresh faces and new ideas to help promote health and wellness in Tyler.
Come to one of our upcoming events or email us to learn about ways you or your organization can participate.
Our next community event is our inaugural Fit City Tyler Health & Wellness Expo, set for Saturday January 6th 2024.
Local companies are invited to set up a vendor booth and/or to provide free fitness demonstrations of your services.
The Expo will be held inside and outside of the W.T. Brookshire Rose Conference Center near Rose Stadium.
Street address is 2000 West Front Street in Tyler, and the Expo will be open from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Attendance is open to he public.
RSVP by sending an email to JoinFitCityTyler@gmail.com
In the summer of 2010, Fit City Tyler began as a shared initiative between various businesses concerned with the nation’s escalating obesity epidemic. The Northeast Texas Public Health District (NETHealth), the Tyler Moring Telegraph, the City of Tyler, Brookshire Grocery Company, and many others joined to focus on the one thing impacting us all – obesity and poor health.
Fit City Tyler has evolved into an organization led by community leaders volunteering their time to create ideas, programs and campaigns to promote health. Events are held year-round to promote fitness, nutrition, workplace wellness, children’s health and disease prevention.
These events and programs are carried out by Fit City Tyler’s planning committee, led by NET Health CEO George Roberts and representatives from local health and wellness organizations.
Our coalition meets once per quarter to carry out the organization’s mission statement:
Making Tyler a healthy community one step, one bite and one health-conscious decision at a time.
A seed was planted in 2010 and it has grown into a strong group of companies, cities, churches, communities and citizens who have joined us in eating healthier, getting more physical activity, drinking more water and making sure that Tyler can remain a Fit City by encouraging everyone to live healthier "one bite, one step and one health-conscious decision at a time.