The Fit City Tyler Active Living Plan was created from input generated by the steering committee and general membership of the Fit City Tyler health and wellness coalition.
Our Active Living Plan is composed of a comprehensive set of programs and initiatives that target increasing community awareness of existing physical activity resources, and ways for our citizens and visitors to utilize these resources to promote the convenience of an active life.
The Plan aims to create a national culture that supports physically active lifestyles, and its ultimate purpose is to improve health, prevent disease and enhance quality of life.
The recommendations in the Plan are represented by the following categories:
Business and Industry
Education, After School, and Early Childhood Programs
Health Care
Mass Media
Parks and Recreation, Fitness, and Sports
Public Health
Transportation, Land Use, and Community Design
Volunteer and Non-Profit
Faith-Based Communities
Download the full version of the Fit City Tyler Active Living Plan by clicking here.
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