Fit City Tyler has secured partnerships with several free programs that can double or even quadruple your entries for Lighten Up East Texas 2020!
The IT'S TIME TEXAS Community Challenge (ITTCC) is an 8-week competition that unites and mobilizes schools, businesses and community members toward the goal of transforming your community's health.
All entrants of Lighten Up Texas whom collect 5000 points or more in the ITTCC and whom emails a screenshot of their ITTCC Profile will have their LUET entries doubled for our random Grand Prize drawings in May 2020.
You will automatically receive points just by registering your free account. Click here to register for the ITTCC.
It is very easy to collect more than 5000 points.
The name on your ITTCC account MUST match the name listed on their LUET Registration Form, in order for us to connect the dots and to double your LUET entries.
The ITTCC starts January 8th & runs through March 3rd.
After you have collected 5000 points, you will need to take a screenshot of your ITTCC points and send the screenshot to our email - "".
Get the full details by visiting our ITTCC Informational Page.
Walk Across Texas! is not a walk-a-thon, nor an event to raise money. Teams compete to walk across the state and/or to accumulate the most miles during the eight weeks.
The main point is to perform the easiest exercise - walking.
All entrants of LIghten Up East Texas who participate in Walk Across Texas and their team turns in a completed eight-week log sheet to their county's AgriLife Office will have their LUET entries doubled for their team members.
Your team has to have walked total of at least 832 miles, which is the east-west mileage from El Paso to Texarkana.
Prepare to create your team by performing the following steps:
Team Captains find up to 7 others for your team.
The Team Captain also registers all members of your team into Walk Across Texas! by clicking here.
Make sure each team member has a plan to track the number of miles that they cover each day.
Team members can e-mail, text, or call their mileage to their team captain, so that your team's weekly mileage.
Make sure all team members 'weigh-in' for Lighten Up East Texas before January 31, 2020.
These programs are not administered by Fit City Tyler. You do not have to participate in either program, but your participation may increase your success in achieving your weight loss goal for the Lighten Up East Texas regional weight loss challenge.